
Hello and welcome!

First off I would like to thank you for visiting Erin Naturally!

Now to tell you a bit about myself and how this all began.

I’m Erin!
I’m a green smoothie drinking, clean eating, exercising loving, truth seeker, Canadian born-Australia residing,  mama of two incredible girls (Olivia and Neveya), essential oil educator, wellness + biz coach, a Diamond leader with dōTERRA, a full time mom, mama-preneur, wifey to my Aussie hubby (Steve), and what some would call…..a modern hippie mama!

(…and breathe)

Erin Naturally was created as a space to share with you my journey of natural living (since I am always learning and growing) through practical tips, natural remedies, healthy food ideas, and….really whatever else inspires me!

After a struggle with fertility, it became very clear to me that even though I considered myself to be a healthy person there was a grey area that my eyes were opened to.  Toxins.

I exercised, managed my stress, and fed my body with whole foods but there were chemicals that were silently effecting my health on a whole other level.
This is when I began researching on endocrine disruptors and reducing the toxic chemicals I was using on myself and in my home.
It was back to basics. Gone were was perfumes, fragrance body creams, tanning lotions, scented candles and plastic! Seemingly harmless things that were causing problems.
Now as a mom you can bet this has become even more important to me and even more important that I share my story with others.

There are so many natural alternatives to protect yourself and your family from chemicals.   Prevention is better than a cure.  This is key.

There is a lot that we can’t control but there are so many little shifts that we can make in our homes and lives that create big impacts.

I am a big believer of preventing problems before they occur and taking responsibility for your own health.

This is where my love for essential oils comes in.

I had used essential oils for years but on this propelled cleaner living, I was looking for the best quality…of everything!
This is when I was introduced to dōTERRA.

I instantly fell in love with not only their most pristine essential oils that I had ever used but also the natural approach they had for educating and supporting others to live naturally.

I have been incorporating essential oils into my everyday life and have experienced first-hand the powerful benefits of the PUREST essential oils in the world {these ain’t your grandmas essential oils…they are the real deal!}
Now I am truly honoured to have linked arms with a company that has so much heart and am able to support you to get these oils into your home.

Whether it’s to have natural alternatives for your family, create a chemical-free home, improve your health and well being, support your moods and emotions, you will very quickly see that essential oils are just what you are looking for.

I am passionate about empowering women {specifically mamas} to simplify, transition to living naturally, and to live a healthy life that glows.

Really…to go from feeling good to feeling GREAT!

All things you see here have been tried and tested by Moi. I am continually reading and researching about anything new and natural that will benefit my health and wellbeing and I am excited to share it with you.

I’m not perfect and I don’t think that you have to be 100% all the time. It’s just a matter of doing what’s right for you and what makes you feel alive and empowered!

I’m not a doctor, (here comes the disclaimer) any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained on Erin Naturally is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended to replace proper medical assistance. These are simply things that have worked for family, friends, and myself.

So thank you for finding your way to Erin Naturally. I hope you will browse, stay a while and find a few inspiring ideas.

Leave me a comment and say hello!! I would love to hear from you!

Cheers to a healthier, happier, glowing life.

Erin xx

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