Work With Me

So you want to know how I grew my own business with no experience from zero to full-time income in just over 1.5year?? (with a newborn babe by my side)
Here it is, Naturally Leading Business Opportunity Guide.
But….let’s start with hello.
In case we haven’t met yet, I am Erin!!
Before we dive in, let’s back it up a bit to 2014 for a sec, shall we?
When I was pregnant with my first it became very clear that what we live in a time where our bodies are being bombarded with so many toxins. I considered myself to be fairly health conscious but it wasn’t just about me anymore…I was growing this babe inside of me and my eyes were opened to a whole missing piece of the health and wellness puzzle. From scented candles to perfume, I went on a bit of a toxin detox…in a BIG way.
This is where I put my research hat on and began genuinely looking for a an alternative – a better, safer way for me and my family.
This is when dōTERRA came into my life and yes I did know a bit oils and was a bit of a closet hippie (adding lavender to my pillow at night to help with sleep or using peppermint for the occasional headache ) but this was a WHOLE new ball park!
The community was bursting with resources, support, ideas, tips and tricks that my obsession grew…and grew…and grew.
I officially became the crazy oil lady! I had replaced so many things in my home (goodbye synthetics- hello natural goodness) and also shared with all of my family and friends when I knew that a natural alternative would do the trick!
During my maternity I realised that I was dreading going back to work…. not to mention leaving Liv in care made me very uneasy. The thought of missing out on this time that I know that I would never get back was upsetting.
That is when I realised that the 9-5 and building someone else’s dream was not going to work for me.
So I started searching – searching for something that would give me the entrepreneurial outlet I have always craved but had to have massive flexibility (I was stalling because I didn’t think there was such thing!)
I wanted to build my own dreams, follow my passion and do something that let me step into that feeling of playing bigger!
While I wanted nothing more than to stay at home…I knew that I had more to give and wanted to still do ‘something for ME’, something that made my soul buzz.
I wanted more and knew that this was the time to make shift and had to follow this pull. I knew that this new buzz with sharing the oils was re-lighting my soul and I had never felt more aligned. The answer was right in front of my face.
I absolutely loved what the oils could offer in up-leveling your health that I couldn’t but help sharing the oils and a natural life….like I said – I had become the crazy oil lady 🙂
But there was one thing::
Like many people I resisted network marketing for months as I had a healthy dose of skepticism.
We all have that ‘pyramid scheme’ and sales person come to mind when I had heard of network marketing in the past, and I didn’t want to be one of “those people.”
Yes I loved everything that doterra had to offer- the world’s purest oils, highly consumable products, founders with integrity, a company with strong values BUT I didn’t think network marketing was for me.
Since integrating the oils into my life -noticing my new vibrance for healthy natural living, I found myself in an upward spiral of feeling good {the oils are a big piece of that spiral}
In this time family and friends began asking what I was doing and wanted to get started with their own oils (nudge, nudge, PUSH….OK universe…I hear YOU!)…..Voila -my new business was born.
When legitimate paychecks and stories of amazing impacts started rolling in- my heart felt full and nothing was going to stop me.
…This felt good….
I was serving in a way that made sense and there was nothing ‘icky’, pushy, or pyramid-y about that.
I embraced this new found world of building my own dreams- on my own terms and now could never see myself not being apart of this amazing business model.
I was able to earn money as I learned, shared, mentored and inspired others.
AND BEST OF ALL -I did not have to invest a absurd amount to get started! …..Which is unheard of in the start-your-own-biz world!
I was growing a business and earning money to share a lifestyle all while being home with my baby and wearing yoga pants!
(and opportunity for mums with small children) is unheard of in any other industry or business that I know of.
I will be honest though: Growing this business did have growing pains -I had to get off the ‘employee’ bus and step onto the ‘entrepreneur’ train….. I had never put more hours into anything in my life -it was because I was completely in love with what I was doing that they say:
‘when you start doing what you love to do, you never work another day in your life’
{…I now ‘get it’}
I had no experience and {now looking back..very little sleep and a major case of baby brain} but I did have a strong WHY- I dove in, set goals, gave it my heart and soul and am living proof that if I can do it, anyone can do the same.
Now I’ve created an income that has replaced my old job, has no income limits, no education requirements, has flexible hours….Yes, I may have wonky hours but really -I get to go for park dates or luxurious {alone time} showers in the middle of day during nap time and feel confident that every Monday I have a residual pay check coming…which is GOLD now that I have two bebes.
I quickly mapped out that at this rate I would have a solid career for myself quite nicely, which would absolutely land me a 6 figure salary and a fancy title within 5 years easily….and the beauty to residual income which meant that it was a beautiful financial pipeline that would forever be flowing in.
Especially a GOOD thing knowing that babe #2 two is here and I am able to step back and not have financial stress.
Not Just the Oils::
I now have a global team of incredible women (over 5000 essential oil users and counting globally) and I mentored a percentage of them who were interested in turning their love for the oils into a business
In these past five years I have been surrounded by the most incredible community of like-minded mamas from all over the world! …ps ANOTHER huge perk that I was not expecting! Women in the same biz actually linking arms and supporting each other #yesplease!
Always great to lean into when you’re needing support!
So now what::
What vision do you hold for yourself this year knowing ANYTHING is possible?
If this sparks curiosity in you and you have that BUZZ of ‘is there another way?’
My team is growing very quickly and I am currently seeking motivated, self driven, positive women who’d like to build a business in my natural health team.
If you’d like more information on the business model + how I grew my own business with no experience from zero to full-time income in just over 1.5year (with a newborn by my side) Then shoot me an email to [email protected] so we can set up a time to chat about if this business opp will suit you.
Again: Here is the Naturally Leading Biz Guide
Erin xx
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