I ♡ Sleep

May 9, 2016

Hands up if you could use some more shut eye?Lack of sleep is a huge problem for most people. Myself included.
Being a mum, traveling on occasion through an array of time zones…or being that type A personality and NOT being able to turn my mind off at night has had me couting sheep on occasion 🙂
In fact, it’s an issue that I frequently get asked about on my Facebook page.After doing the obvious brain dumps, unplugging technology, and limiting stimulant drinks/food at night…if I still need assistance, I know one thing that will do the trick. Instantly.I was never one to take over-the-counter fixes so I naturally turned to something {you’ve guessed it by now} nautral.
For me, it was at my finger tips.
Therapeutic grade essential oils.
They have helped me tremendously and can help you too find a more restful night’s sleep.
As innocent as essential oils may seem, they pack an impressive (and very scientific) punch in the sleep department.

My 5 fave oils to support a restful sleep

1. Lavender – Rub 1-2 drops on the bottoms of your feet to help calm the body before going to sleep. This oils is also wonderful to diffuse in your bedroom before your head hits the pillow. For kids, you can put a drop in the bath, or a drop on their favourite blanket, bedding, stuffed animal, bottoms of feet to help them calm down before bedtime.

2. Cedarwood I am drawn to this scent…I think it reminds me of home. I love 2-3 drops in the diffuser with Serentiy/ Lavender Peace. Cedarwood has such a calming and soothing effect on the mind. It is my FAVE for promoting deeper sleep.

3. Vetiver – This thick, rich oil is know as the “shut-down-the-brain-liquid-sleep” oil. It can be diffused near your bed, or you can apply a drop or two to your feet or the back of your neck.  For the serious I-can’t-sleep nights!  A little bit goes a long way, so it’s one I keep around at all times.

4. Balance – The grounding blend is know to calm the body, just think when you feel like your going a million miles an hour- this blend will help you have that sense of both feet on the ground. Apply a drop or two of Balance to your neck or feet. It has a wonderful earthy-like aroma, so it’s a nice oil to diffuse before and during sleep.

5. Serenity/ Lavender Peace – I absolutely LOVE this calming blend!  The oils in this blend are chosen to lessen feelings of tension, calm emotions, and leave a peaceful feeling. Serenity is the perfect blend to diffuse at bedtime for a restful night’s sleep, to calm a restless baby or child, or to help reduce the worry and stress so many of us feel.
I always recommend to start with the scent that you are drawn to and that you like best and go from there.

How to use these essential oils for sleep

The two methods I recommend using your essential oils for a peaceful sleeping atmosphere are:

1. Topical Use- Applying oil topically on the skin can be a wonderful way to reap their benefits. I use fractionated coconut oil to dilute them and massage them on the back of my neck, or on the bottoms of my feet before bed.

2. Aromatic Use- My other secret essential oil weapon is my diffuser.  In my opinion its something that every house should have! I use mine ALL. THE. TIME. It’s not only the fastest and best way to experciene the oils but a perfect way to adjust the mood in the house for the whole fam to benefit from.
Shhhhh…..this is my sneaky mum tool!

All you have to do is just add a few drops of any of these essential oils to your essential oil diffuser with a bit of water, set by your bedside or in the living space, and you’ll be in dreamland in no time.

I hope that these oil suggestions help you find a more peaceful nights sleep!
I personally use and trust dōTERRAs certified pure therapeutic grade oils for me and my family. If you are interested in trying these or any other of these beautiful products or oils- please feel free to contact me!
I would love nothing more than to assist you on your wellness journey!
Print Erin


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