Traveling with Essential Oils

Aug 5, 2016

It’s that time of year where we are all looking to take some time off and run away for a little vay-cay!

Holidays are a perfect way to take a break from everyday life but don’t let travel anxieties, jet lag, new foods, different environment, motions sickness be a down fall.

I am always prepared with my little bottles of healing magic!
So here are a few of my must have oils that I never travel without!

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My Top Travel Oils::

OnGuard – The Protective Blend.  Everyone always seems to come down with something as soon as you slow down.  This blend is great to use to support the immune system.  I rub a drop or two on the bottoms of the whole family feet anytime we are traveling because you never know what you’ll come in contact with. This blend also comes in a capsule and beadlet form.  To soothe a sore throat pop an OnGuard Throat Drops or Beadlet in your mouth!  Love these!  Easy for on-the-go.  I also make my own natural hand cleanser : add 25+ drops to aloe vera gel in a bottle that I carry with me.

DigestZen – The Digestive Blend.  Hello tummy tamer! New, unfamiliar, rich foods and overindulging can be a lot for your tummy to take so inhale or rub 1-2 drops of this blend (diluted with a carrier oil) on your stomach for instant relief.   Before travel I always rub this on my stomach to ease motion sickness. A drop in liquid (I prefer almond milk) has always calmed any occasional stomach issue that have arose. Not keen on the smell or taste of black liquorice?….DigestZen also comes in capsule and chewable tablet form, which makes it super great for travel!

Lavender – All things calm!! Lavender is my FIRST AID IN A BOTTLE.  A must when away from home.  Being in an unfamiliar bed, I love to add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet for a restful night’s sleep.  Not only calming on the mind but it is also calming to the skin. Lavender soothes occasional skin irritations and is amazing relief from too much sun.  Rub a drop or two on area of concern and add peppermint if additional cooling is needed.

Breathe (aka Easy Air) –The Respiratory/ Clear Blend. For long car rides I love to put a few drops of breathe on a tissue in the air vents to keep the air flow fresh and pure.  For stuffy noses I put 2 drops in my palms, rub vigorously and inhale deeply…Instant relief!  It is also great for seasonal effects as well- Rub 1-2 drops over the lungs, sinuses, bottoms of the feet, back of the neck, or diffuse as needed to open up airways.

TerraShield – The Repellent Blend. If you’re like me and are loved by mosquitoes this blend will be your best friend! I LOVE the smell (think soft, citronella spa! …no toxic DEET aerosol spray) This oil comes in a handy spray bottle, so simply a few spritzes to the skin to keep the mosquitos and other bugs away. I used this blend last summer while at the lake in Canada (where mosquitoes could carry you away) and didn’t get a single bite! If you have brought along your diffuser- pop a few drops in and put it on the patio while dinning outside.

Peppermint – Cool and Energized.  It’s great to take along Peppermint oil to help with unexpected headaches, tummy troubles, or lethargy. This oil keeps us alert + energised when on long road trips.…a few drops on a tissue and pop it in the air vents to wake + refresh.  Dab on the temples and back for neck for occasional headaches or to give relief from foggy jet lag brain. I like to inhale straight from the bottle when I am feeling drowsy or nauseous. It has a cooling affect on the skin, which is great to spritz on when you’re in a HOT climate or if you’ve gotten a bit too much sun.  Peppermint also comes in beadlets, which are great to pop in your mouth on the go to freshen breath, calm tummies or open up airways.

Deep Blue –The Soothing Blend.  We tend to do a lot of active outdoor activities when exploring new places so I love Deep Blue to soothe sore muscles….ready to tackle the next day!  I also love a swipe on the back of my neck for head and neck tension.  This Blend also comes in a cream that is easy to apply to areas of concern.

Vetiver – Grounded and Still.  Apply 1-2 drops on the back of the neck, bottoms of feet or diffuse for the most amazing sleep.  Traveling across many time zones jet lag gets the best of me and I tend to find myself laying awake at 2am.  I can personally say that Vetiver + Lavender combo is the only thing that will help me fall asleep and STAY asleep as I get readjusted to the new time.


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    • Erin Naturally

      Thank you!
      Please reach out if you have any questions 🙂


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