
Hello dōTERRA South Africa!

Hello dōTERRA South Africa!

dōTERRA South Africa has officially LAUNCHED  Are you based in South Africa and passionate about natural living and essential oils? I am excited to announce that dōTERRA has officially opened a South Africa warehouse and now the world's purest, most...

Top Essentail Oils for L O V E

Top Essentail Oils for L O V E

With romance in the air, I have been inspired to share a few top LOVE inspired essential oils. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to increase sensuality and libido. This is not a new concept, but it may be if you're new to using essential oils. Aside...

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Labour + Postpartum

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Labour + Postpartum

Is it just me, or is googling the safety of everything under the sun a major pastime of pregnant mamas? My first pregnancy was ‘au natural’ to say the least.  To each their own but I erred on the side of caution..... so you can bet I was not eating...

Higher Level You

Higher Level You

Happy 2018 beauties! Are you ready to play big and set the stage for a magical 2018? First off I want to address that this post is not going to be about a ‘new you’ in the new year. Not sure if you feel the same way, but I am not a fan of the whole...

A Little Something For Everyone!

A Little Something For Everyone!

dōTERRA means 'Gift of the Earth'. As I am (obvs) BIG on natural living and want to help you think out side of the 'usual' gift box to show someone that you really care by giving them a gift of health + wellness. I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful...

Traveling with Essential Oils

Traveling with Essential Oils

It's that time of year where we are all looking to take some time off and run away for a little vay-cay! Holidays are a perfect way to take a break from everyday life but don't let travel anxieties, jet lag, new foods, different environment,...

Cacao Chia Avocado Pudding

Cacao Chia Avocado Pudding

This velvety chocolate dessert tastes SOO good that you'd never know thats its good for you!!  I'm a bit of a superfood enthusiast …so this recipe had my name all over it. It’s made with simple wholesome superfood ingredients and is so easy to...

Getting Started with Essential Oils!

Getting Started with Essential Oils!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, I am SO glad that you are here! You've given into the pull!  There has never been a more important time to empower yourself with the information and tools that will help you live the low-tox, natural life that you've...

I ♡ Sleep

I ♡ Sleep

Hands up if you could use some more shut eye?Lack of sleep is a huge problem for most people. Myself included. Being a mum, traveling on occasion through an array of time zones…or being that type A personality and NOT being able to turn my mind...